Nose Aesthetics

What is Nose Aesthetics Also Known as Rhinoplasty?

Regardless of whether a woman or man, the lines on the body and especially on the facial area are pretty important. Lips, nose, eyebrows, and around the eyes are essential characteristics that can help people construct identities. For this reason, it has attracted a lot of attention from individuals. The nose can also be one of the areas that are desired to be reshaped by people. Nose Aesthetics, commonly known as Rhinoplasty, is a surgical procedure to change the shape of the nose. With the Rhinoplasty, the desired appearance will be achieved, health problems will be eliminated, and psychological pressure will be reduced.

What is Rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty is the name of the surgical procedure that deals with treating those who are not satisfied with the size or shape of the nose and have nasal problems caused by accidental traumas, saggy skin, swelling, non-asymmetrical nasal structure, or not breathing. Rhinoplasty, which is the most commonly performed operation in aesthetic surgery, is an operation to improve one’s nose appearance that upsets them. During this procedure, deviated bone and cartilage that prevent the patient from breathing are also corrected.

What Problems Can Be Eliminated with Nose Aesthetics?

With rhinoplasty procedure;

  • Problems at the tip of the nose,
  • Large and small nose problem,
  • Discomforts about the shape of the nose can be eliminated.

What are the Risks of Rhinoplasty?

As we have stated in many of our previous articles, any medical procedure has risks. The rhinoplasty procedure also has many risks. These risks are;

  • Bleeding,
  • Undesired scars,
  • Undesired shape and size or asymmetrical structure,
  • Inability to breathe temporary or permanently,
  • Numbness in and around the nose,
  • Post-operative sensitivity in and around the nose,
  • Lost or changed sense of smell.

What Should Be Considered After the Rhinoplasty Procedure?

There are a few crucial points to be considered after the Rhinoplasty. These are:

  • It is inevitable to experience swelling in the nose after the procedure.
  • Contact with hot water should be avoided.
  • Nose should be protected from external effects such as dust.
  • Avoid blowing, sneezing, or sudden facial movements that will increase your nasal sensitivity.
  • According to the doctor’s advice, sports activities should be postponed for a while.
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Huma Clinic
Huma Clinic
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