Transit Bipartition Surgery

How is Transit Bipartition surgery performed?

Transit bipartition, introduced to the medical literature by Brazilian surgeon Sergio Santoro, has started to be a successful solution to both obesity and diabetes.

In Transit Bipartition surgery, approximately half of the stomach is taken longitudinally, and it is combined with the stomach by cutting approximately 300 cm from the junction of the small intestine with the large intestine. Afterwards, the cut intestine sections are reassembled among themselves. So two new connections are made. The first is between the stomach and the intestine, and the second is between the small intestine and the small intestine.

With this surgery, approximately 2/3 of the food entering the stomach continues through the newly made gastric connection, and approximately 1/3 continues through the old gastric tract. The aim here is to reduce the absorption of the food taken and to ensure the secretion of hormones that will activate the insulin that the person produces but cannot use, by ensuring that the food comes into contact with the small intestine as soon as possible.

After this surgery, patients both lose weight and their diabetes regresses. If people continue their diets and exercise programs after the surgery, it is possible to reduce or even completely abandon the drugs related to diabetes.

Transit Bipartition Surgery

Transit bipartition (twin passage) surgery is a highly effective metabolic surgery method preferred in obesity and type 2 diabetes patients. This technique has given thousands of obese diabetic patients a new, healthy and quality life. Twin gate surgery provides a decrease in the amount of food taken and absorption, and stimulation of hormones and peptides in the last part of the intestine. Basically, in twin gateway surgery, the stomach volume is reduced by 65% ​​on average; Gherline secretion, which has an important effect on insulin metabolism and is called appetite hormone, decreases. In the lower part of the intestines, the patient’s condition is marked, on average, from 120 to 160 centimeters, according to the experience of the surgeon. The small intestine is divided into two at the 250th cm from the end. The lower intestinal end is connected to the stomach by a new outlet. The head of the divided intestine is connected to the lower intestine at the previously marked point. Thus, two outflow tracts from the stomach and 2 shorter digestive tracts that will reduce absorption are formed.

Benefits of this Surgery:

-The amount of food consumption is reduced by more than half on average.

-More than half of the food consumed passes through one intestinal tract, and less than half of it passes through the other intestinal tract.

-When the food coming out of the stomach reaches the last part of the small intestine in a shorter way and earlier, the release of substances such as GLP-1, which increases insulin secretion, is increased.

The main goals of transit bipartition surgery are the complete elimination of obesity and diabetes.

What are the Advantages of Transit Bipartition?

Transit Bipartition surgery has a lower risk than similar metabolic operations. It is highly effective in the treatment of type 2 diabetes; It leads to fewer vitamin and mineral deficiencies. It is observed that the feeling of early satiety is effective and decreased appetite.

-Surgery time is shorter than intestinal dent surgery. Absorption disorders after surgery are less than gastric bypass and biliopancreatic diversion surgeries.

– It is suitable for revision surgery in case of excessive weight loss after surgery and weight gain again.

– In the post-operative years, if necessary, procedures such as ERCP related to the bile ducts are possible.

Who Can Have Transit Bipartition Surgery?

Not every diabetic patient is suitable for transit bipartition surgery: -Individuals who will undergo the operation must have a body mass index of 35 and above, that is, obese. Type 2 diabetes patients should have sufficient insulin reserves, that is, their capacity to produce insulin. The presence of other metabolism problems such as diabetes, lipid, cholesterol, uric acid is not a problem.

After Transit Bipartition Surgery

After transit bipartition surgery, regression in diabetes and metabolic problems related to this disease should be expected after the first 2 months. In an average of 12 months, these problems heal in almost all patients, and people with average health can reach an equal point. Due to the shrinkage of the stomach, satiety will begin earlier at the point of consuming food. With the end of the transit bipartition surgery, a special diet should be applied for an estimated 5 to 7 weeks. This diet has stages; liquid, puree and solid food intake periods.

What Should Those Who Have Transit Bipartition Surgery Pay Attention To?

Transit Bipartitization is a relatively low-risk, safe surgery that is as effective as other surgeries in the treatment of type 2 diabetes. It causes less vitamin-mineral deficiency than other surgeries that impair absorption. After transit bipartition surgery, approximately 90% of properly selected type 2 diabetes patients complete the treatment completely. In the remaining 10% of patients, diabetes can be controlled only with pill treatment. There are 2 types of Transit bipartition operations applied to treat diabetes. The first is the original transit bipartition with 2 anastomoses. The second is loop-through bipartition, in which a single anastomosis is made to the stomach. Loop transition bipartition is usually performed as it is technically easier. The application of the original transit bipartition surgery, in which the bile fluid is directed, is important both in terms of results and in preventing the development of gastric cancer.

Results of Twin Passage (Transit Bipartition) surgery:

According to the first results of the twin passage (Transit Bipartition) surgery published in 2012, it was observed that the patients lost their excess weight at a rate of 90% and blood glucose values ​​decreased to the normal limits in 86% of the patients without medication. Results published in the next 8 years revealed that these ratios were successfully maintained.

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