Hair Transplant

Hair Transplantation in Turkey

Hair problems can be seen in all age ranges and genders, from females to males, from children to older people. The hair problem, a severe psychological pressure factor, is one of today’s healthcare problems for many people worldwide. Hair transplantation remains a service preferred by all individuals to eliminate their hair problems.

Why is Turkey Favorite Place for Hair Transplant?

Turkey remains a seriously competitive country compared to other countries. Turkey provides significant cost savings in hair transplant operations, and many people prefer Turkey for this reason. Hair transplant service, which can be purchased for 15.000 Euros in Europe and 30.000 dollars in the USA.

Turkey has a good healthcare infrastructure and qualified healthcare professionals. When these features are combined with low costs, it becomes possible to receive a quality healthcare service. In addition, many tourists in Arabic countries, especially in Asia and Europe, prefer Turkey for hair transplantation due to the advanced transportation facilities.

Another reason is the short waiting times. People suffer from the long waiting times while receiving health care services. For the waiting times are acceptable that Turkey is preferred. Another factor affecting preferences is personalized healthcare service planning. According to the choices, for example, with a haircut or not, hair transplantation, health services can be provided quickly.

The last reason for the preference is that people who receive healthcare or hair transplant service can do many different tourism activities simultaneously. In this way, people can have a hair transplant and enjoy the sun in the unique sea simultaneously.

What is the DHI Method?

People typically avoid hair transplantation because of the haircut and undesired appearance that will appear. After this was perceived as a problem for people, it was comprehended that an innovative method was required. For this purpose, the DHI method has been used. The DHI method defines as unshaven hair transplantation technology. In this method, grooving, stitching, and incision are unapplied as in the FUE method. In the DHI method, grafts are extracted from the donor area. In the next step, grafts are added to the area to be planted. A particular pen-shaped medical device is utilized for this process, and hair follicles are transferred to the designated area. For this reason, it is also entitled the pen technique.

What is the FUE Method?

The FUE method, called Follicular unit extraction (FUE), is a method in which the follicles taken from the donor area are added one by one. The FUE method has many advantages and benefits. With benefits, it has become one of the most preferred hairs transplantation techniques. It is also prevalent to use to eliminate the hair problem.

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Huma Clinic
Huma Clinic
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