After tube stomach surgery, body mass index (BMI) greater than 35 kg/m2 and comorbidities (type 2 diabetes, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, high cholesterol, sleep apnea, herniated disc, skeletal disease , etc.). Diet several times and did not work.

Especially in the case of severe obesity (BMI more than 45 kg/m2) with fatty liver, patients are advised to follow a high-protein liquid diet before gastric sleeve surgery, and the diet should start about 10 to 14 days before the operation. During this period, patients should eat only liquid foods rich in protein. The goal of the liquid diet is to lose slight weight and reduce liver fat. While heavy and fragile liver damage during surgery is prevented, the surgical procedure is also facilitated.

Before sleeve gastrectomy, our patients undergo a very detailed examination by doctors of various branches, and the surgery is performed as a result of these controls. In the procedures performed, detailed blood analyzes of our patients are examined, and it is important to establish the starting point for the postoperative follow-up. Endoscopy is performed on the patient by the surgeon who will perform the operation. Seeing the patient’s stomach before surgery reduces the risk of complications. The Department of Radiology, Thoracic Medicine, Internal Medicine, Cardiology, General Surgery and Anesthesiologists examine the patient, evaluate the results and approve the surgery.

Every surgery has risks. Detailed examination and monitoring of patients before the operation, operation of the patient in a full health institution by a team of experts in this field, and follow-up to the next operation reduces the risk to zero. The surgeon’s experience, technique and strong and specialized team are important factors for success.

It is controversial to place additional stitches on staples called staples in bariatric surgery. Some surgeons believe that suturing reduces the possibility of bleeding and leakage and that every patient should be sutured. On the other hand, some surgeons are of the opinion that although suturing slightly reduces the risk of bleeding, it does not reduce the risk of leakage, on the contrary, it may cause more leakage and bleeding after injury to the blood vessels during suturing. The sewing method increases the process time and requires higher manual skill. In our clinic, we routinely apply the manual suture method to each patient’s primary gastric line. Our results are satisfactory, and reveal that our method is more successful. The most important point here is that the surgeon performing the surgery must have the necessary skills and experience to intervene and correct any potential problem during the operation.

There are many different surgical approaches, including bariatric surgery and metabolic surgery. The type of surgery is decided by the surgeon with the patient, based on the patient’s medical history, diseases, diet history, and current weight.

Sleeve gastrectomy is a surgical procedure that is completed in 60-90 minutes taking into account the examination methods and anesthesia applied. It is important that the surgeon has the experience and skills to solve any additional diseases and technical problems that may arise during the operation. In order to eliminate the risk of complications, each patient must be given the necessary time, care, effort and attention before, during and after surgery.

Bariatric and metabolic surgeries are performed in a closed method called laparoscopic surgery. The patient’s abdomen is inserted through 4 or 5 small openings (0.5 cm – 1.2 cm) and the operation is performed. Sometimes patients have the possibility of developing scars or enlarged keloids due to their genetic makeup. This condition is manifested by itching and red and bright swelling at the wound sites after the first month after surgery. Intervene in this situation and perform cortisone injections if necessary. Usually, there are no traces of small wounds, or they can be noticed if they are carefully examined; We can recommend our patients to use an anti-ejaculate cream to reduce scarring.

In order to support recovery and prevent complications after gastric sleeve surgery, our patients must use medications and vitamin supplements for a short time. But this period is very short. Certainly not for life.

In the first month, walking should be practiced, and its pace increases day by day, according to our patient’s opinion. At the end of the first month, our patient can swim, bike, use elliptical and do light plate movements. At the end of the third month, heavy exercises can be started gradually. (It certainly shouldn’t be done without the support of a professional athlete)

Yes, our patients come from many different countries and cities and are treated in our clinic for type 2 diabetes and obesity surgeries. We carry out their treatments successfully, provided we keep in touch with them during the treatment and follow-up processes.

Sleeve gastrectomy is performed on obese people between the ages of 18-65 years. However, we also perform bariatric surgery for children over the age of 15 who are obese, approved by their parents and approved by a pediatric endocrinologist, and for patients over the age of 70 who are bedridden due to comorbidities or who have an additional illness that requires weight loss.

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